Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Diamond Psalm

The Diamond Psalm – gps
His holiness
shines through me.
Every  action  of  mine
reflects on His everlasting glory.
Even   when   I   fail   at   something,
my   sins   still   contribute   to   His   story.
In my continual striving to become more Christlike,
 I often discover areas where  I  have made  improvements,
many more places where  my deficiencies yet yearn for correction,
and still more  categories  where  I’ve actually  taken a  step  backwards.
If I am to live in the Spirit, rather than the flesh,
I  cannot  treat  salvation  as  permission  to  sin  and  be  forgiven.
I must strive towards the Christian ideal of eliminating sins.
I   owe   it   to   the   Holy   Trinity   to   improve.
For  when I  fail,  and succumb to instincts,
it    does   not   reflect   solely  on   me.
It  also  reflects   on  my   Savior,
Jesus Christ, King of Kings;
it   greatly  grieves  the
Holy Spirit;  and
it  defiles


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